15 Nov Media Landscape Cambodia

The media landscape in Cambodia is changing with the internet taking over conventional medias. In recent years, we have seen more and more advertising shifting to online platforms. Although TV still remains the highest penetration, digital advertising is slowly catching up. It has become the 2nd preferred media platform after TV.

Currently almost half of Cambodians are exposed to the internet. To many Cambodians, internet means Facebook or at least it seems. Among the top 10 most visited websites, Facebook is by far the number one. It is accessed by almost all Internet users. Furthermore most visited websites are Google, YouTube, Yahoo and mainly entertainment focused websites.
Most of the conventional platforms such as TV, radio, newspaper and magazine also have an online versions. To keep pace with the growing internet and mobile penetration rates in the country. Most Cambodians prefer the online version out of convenience which is trending now.
Cambodians are first exposed to TV, then to the advertising and on Tuk-Tuk, billboards and posters before getting to the internet. Even road signs are more present in the media landscape than radio. Print and newspapers represent a very small portion of the audience in Cambodia.
Over the 41 media outlets studied in Cambodia, at least 10 of them belong to politically affiliated owners. The rest of them belongs to private business owners.
Currently, the internet is the least regulation media platform in Cambodia. However, there’s growing concern that the government will soon restrict access to the internet. There is a draft law against internet crime which could leads to silence free speech. It could also allow the installation of surveillance equipment on the networks of mobile phone and ISPs.
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